Wednesday, September 28, 2011


I am so sick and tired of never getting recognition. Granted, that is not why I do the crafty things that I do. I do them because I enjoy making things. I do them to give the people that I love unique and wonderful gifts. However, once and while there are things like THIS that just burn my cupcakes. (I'm actually talking cupcakes here).

Back in June I posted these Angry Bird Cupcakes to my blog and also listed a post which can be found here at Craftster. Like all the posts I make at craftster I got about two responses, which for me is usual, and which is why I generally don't post there very often.

A few weeks later another crafty person found inspiration from my post and made cupcakes for her Dad for Father's Day (see here posting here.) I'm glad that someone else found inspiration in something that I made (that in all fairness I found inspiration from another individual and followed her tutorial).

But what annoys me is this posting here where the other crafty individual gets featured in an article and I'm just forgotten about.

Yes, its petty and I need to let it go. If this was the first time something like this has happened, I wouldn't be so annoyed, but this happens constantly in my personal and professional life. Someone else finds inspiration from something I did and this other individual is always the person that gets featured here or there or somewhere else.

**Deep Breath** okay... I'm over it. I've said my peace. I'm going to let it go and get back to crafting things for my wonderful baby boy.

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