Sunday, January 29, 2012

Fabric books and Angry Birds...

Its been a while, but as always, its because I've been busy. I really, really need to make up a "blogging" schedule. I'm crafting whenver possible but rarely post. Bad blogger! So... in my quest for baby crafts in the 24 hours before my son was born I stumbled across this beautiful thing called a quiet book. However, one thing I noticed was that people seem to call pictures books (with no activities) as quiet books. Call me upity or anal (I am both) but I define a quiet book as a book with activities. A book made of fabric (with no activities) is a fabric book. I know. I'm crazy.

Over the last few days of my winter break I started to make my son a colors fabric book. To put it kindly... it was a disaster. However, I didn't purchase a single material for this book. Everything I used I had in my stash.

The cover:

I used binder rings, button holes, and white cotton twill throughout the book.

I cross stitched the names of the colors and sewed them onto the pages (something I WILL NEVER try again).

Yes... I know I skipped white, but that was in all honesty, be being lazy. I intend to make him another one (that's less crappy). But there you have it, my very first - designed by me - fabric book (not a quiet book!) I am working on a quiet book for him. I've set a deadline of Easter for myself so that I can put it in his very first easter basket. He won't be able to use it yet, but I think it'll be cute.

Onto geekiness... my comfort zone. My husband is loves Angry Birds (See his birthday present here after the jump) and I wanted to incorporate that into Valentine's Day somehow. So I came up with this:


I stitched it on 14 count Aida and placed it in a 3" embroidery hoop. I sold one just like it in my Etsy shop. Haven't sold anymore since, don't think I will, and I'm okay with that. I do plan to release a pattern (though any experienced stitcher can probably figure it out by just looking at it) for free when I find sometime to convert it to the computer and upload it to google docs.

Coming up:
1. Birthday gift for the husband (yes, its in June and I do have a while to go but this year I'm def. outdoing myself)
2. A quiet book for the little man
3. Harry Potter cross stitch
4. Star Wars fabric book
5. Recipe book and menu planner

Keep your eyes peeled in the next few weeks.

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