It is hard to keep a 20 month old occupied all day long. The most frustrating part of being a new SAHM is that many of the activities listed for kids ages 15-36 months are not appropriate for him. Tot packs are cute, but for an active 20 month old boy? I don't think so. I spent time, printing and laminating these lovely images and he simply folds them in half. *sigh* What to do, what to do?
So I set myself to pintrest to try to find some things that we can do that are educational and age appropriate for an active young man. I had no idea what I was in for. I discovered this Color of the Week curriculum (what else would you call it?) over at PlayCreateExplore and fell in love. There were wonderful ideas here that didn't just involve flashcards. (The teacher in me is horrified by the amount of parents that teach only through flash cards. Don't get me wrong, flash cards are great, but they are not the end all be all of education).
So I decided to start with yellow, as the author did, simply because we have yellow things in my house. (What we are going to do when we have to learn about pink or purple, I have no clue.)
I used quiet a few of her ideas and they were fantastic! Here is a list:
1. Sensory bin with yellow Easter Grass
2. Sensory bin filled with all his yellow toys (huge hit!)
3. Yellow foam bath tub toys
4. Yellow finger painting
5. Yellow shaving cream painting in the bath tub
I also pulled a few things from other sites that were also a big hit:
6. Side Walk Chalk in a Bottle. Growing a Jeweled Rose has this great recipe for making fizzy side walk chalk using items that I already had on hand. My little man absolutely loved it while he was waiting for his wading pool to fill up. We simply painting only with yellow chalk this week.
7. Color Poems: Oceans of First Grade Fun had these cute little color poems that I printed on cardstock and laminated. We read our color poem every morning with breakfast.
8. Color Songs. Again, printed, and laminated
9. Color Matching Cards created by Homeschool Creations.
I simply put the poem, song, and cards in a pocket chart within his reach and every morning he showed them off to daddy. (He's so cute when he's not throwing a temper tantrum).
Starting next week we will be working with the color blue, so stay tuned!
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