Friday, August 21, 2009

"SJ" Purse

Back to school means ZERO time for crafting, which is a shame because I have a ton of materials that I can't wait to turn into projects, but sadly due to lesson plans, grading, and various other school related items, I have no time. I did however manage to punch out this purse despite the lack of free time.

I saw this Chanel purse tutorial on craftster and thought it was great, but I made a few change to make it more ME.

The full purse:

A close up the lettering. This part SUCKED to sew, I hate it. The thread kept knotting up and I was having a hard time turning it on the machine but I think it still looks pretty cute.

I punched these buggers in all by myself and didn't have to make my boyfriend do it. I was thrilled (and so was him).

Snaps. I couldn't find a green zipper that I liked so I decided to try snaps. They turned out pretty well!

And the inside of hte purse:

Free Stuff!

JoAnn Fabrics (this is why I love them!) hosted a teacher appreciation day last Saturday. They gave teacher discount cards (which I already had) and a goody bag full of stuff, this is what was in my goody bag:

I don't know what I'll do with most of it, but I love it!